Episode 29: Clickity Clack Keyboards

Mechanical Keyboards - More interesting than you think

Scott and Carter are back again, this time talking about "My Chemical Cheeseboards," no wait, sorry I read that wrong, "Mechanical Keyboards." Kaitlyn is pleasantly surprised by how interesting it is. Leap through the screen and join us for a fun discussion of the history, tech, and applications of mechanical keyboards.

Brought to the Table is a podcast made by friends who like to enjoy things and learn about things together. As a group they discuss a wide range of topics that cover fields of science, engineering, music, video games, and other neat stuff. Diana Schulberg, Ian Walker, Carter VanHuss, Kaitlyn Phillips, and Scott Pruett have known each other for years and are still finding new things that they can talk about and learn about together. The BTTT squad always appreciates email comments, questions, and suggestions of your own to [email protected].